Lip modeling

Lip modeling

Lip modeling is one of the most popular aesthetic medicine treatments, which is eagerly used by women and men of all ages. The treatment is used not only to enlarge the lips, but also to emphasize the lip redness and give the beautiful shape. Moisturized and full lips are a recipe for a younger look and a beautiful smile!

Lip augmentation prevents the sagging and loss of firmness of the lips that occur with age. Lip modeling allows you to correct their shape in the case of visible asymmetry, lack of proportions between the upper and lower lip, drooping corners of the mouth.

What do you need to know?

Duration time

30-45 minutes 

Convalescence period

7-10 days 


Pojawiają się od razu po zabiegu. Efekt utrzymuje się ok. 6-8 miesięcy.


The lips modeling procedure is preceded by a medical consultation. The doctor determines the possible effects with the patient, asks about medications and chronic diseases, explains the procedure and provides information on post-treatment recommendations.

Before the doctor starts modeling the lips, an anesthetic cream is applied for several minutes. Lip augmentation consists in injecting the right amount of filler into the labial red, which is to cause the desired effect of the procedure.

Flat lips effect

Flat lip augmentation is an increasingly popular procedure that gives a great, natural effect of enhancing the lips. Modeling the lips in this way emphasizes their natural shape, avoiding the so-called “spout” or “duck mouth effect”. The doctor injects the filler into the upper lip and cupid’s bow in the direction perpendicular to the labial red. Classically, it is administered in a parallel direction.


The effects of lip modeling are visible immediately after the procedure. Lips may be slightly swollen, so you have to wait a few days for the final effect. Depending on how much filler was given and what effect the patient wanted to achieve, the lips may be more or less prominent.

The effect of lip modeling using the flat method. The patient also wanted to correct a scar on her lower lip. Execution: Serhii Tsomakh

Lip modeling – price

Lip modelingfrom 1300 zł


Is 1 ml of filler enough to increase the lips volume?

Yes. Of course, it all depends on whether the lips are very narrow (then we may need more filler) or not and on what effect the patient wants to achieve. Usually 1 ml is enough to perform the procedure.

Does it hurt?

The procedure is not painful, because we use local anesthesia. The patient may feel a slight dilation or pinching sensation, but this is tolerable.

How to get a natural effect after lip modeling?

Before you decide to undergo a treatment, check the effects of the treatments performed by a given doctor. During the consultation, discuss with him what effect you want to achieve and which lip modeling method to choose for your type of beauty.

How long does the effect last?

Approximately 6 months

Will the procedure correct the asymmetry without lip augmentation?

Yes. Then the doctor works in specific area.

Do the lips return to their size once the effect wears off?


Ile kosztuje powiększanie ust?

Cena uzależniona jest od ilości wypełniacza. Zachęcamy do sprawdzenia cennika.

Czy powiększone usta można rozpuścić?

Tak i my również wykonujemy taki zabieg za pomocą hialuronidazy.

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